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The following are various projects and workshops conducted from 2013 onward, around the world.  They include educational workshops, community events, landscape designs, earthen building, and more. For information on our long-term porojects in schools around HCMC, see our Sustainable Schools page.

Mae Rim Permaculture Homestead

A 2 acre permaculture homestead in the mountains of Chiang Mai, Thailand.  Systems include Food Forestry, Mushroom Cultivation, Seed Bank, Greywater Systems, Well Water, Chickens, Dogs, Responsible Waste Management, Earthen Building and more! Come live and study how to live in line with nature rather than against it!

Corporate Seminars

Wholistik designs and leads multi-part seminar series for companies interested in educating their team. Topics range from conscious consumerism and intelligent sourcing, to global issues such as plastic pollution and climate change.

Build and Teach
Over the course of three days and with fifteen students from Saigon and Dalat, we successfully built a rocket earth oven and a basic timber framed roof. Rocket ovens burn wood at higher temperatures, resulting in smokeless fire and more efficient energy use, making them a practical carbon-neutral solution. And who doesn't love a wood-fired pizza? 

Earthen Construction

Wholistik has been designing and building various earthen works for Sunny Farms, where Sam produces organic guava and lime, while also creating an educational site for kids and adults wanting to connect with nature and learn more about sustainability. We have constructed a beautiful earthen oven which has already cooked hundreds of delicious pizzas for guests and friends. 

We have also installed attractive earthen plastering on the inside of Sunny Farm's accommodations, giving them a soft and natural feel. Most excitingly, we are in the design phase for a full earthen hotel on the site, built with an interior wall of eco-bricks.

Regenerative Design

Wholistik designed and installed a permaculture landscape for a 2.5 acre property in the suburbs of Detroit.  This included a native flower perennial garden, food forest, home garden, patio, and earthen oven. 

This project focused on creating useful space for the homeowners while reinstating the natural flora and fauna that had been destroyed by previous construction.

Permaculture for All

This course, designed by Tanya Meftah aims to teach permaculture thinking and methods in ways accessible for kids.  Creating an awareness of environmental issues at a young age and teaching students to think outside the box sets a foundation for positively impactful lives. These workshops include re-using re-purposing materials, changing the way we think about waste, and observing and learning from nature.


Wholistik has hosted many courses of this nature, and each course is specifically crafted to meet the student's and teacher's needs.  We also emphasize parent engagement to bring positive solutions home.

Restorative Design

Tanya Meftah and Jordan Mulka began this long-term project to repair land which has been heavily polluted by toxins such as lead. This Michigan site was damaged by construction and subsequent burning down of multiple houses on the land.


The land was first cleared of debris, then a garden was planted using old bricks from the burnt down houses. Next we planted a variety of fruit trees, starting a food forest.  We installed a temporary rain water catchment which became the primary water source, as there was no running water.  We've been blessed to have the help and friendship of our hardworking neighbors and families.

Social Impact

Anh Linh School for Street Children is a special school for those who could not attend at public school for many reasons. We launched a short workshop with an eight year old girl who was trying to raise awareness about the waste issue in Vietnam. We also built two garden beds on the 5th floor rooftop where two month later kids harvested their first tomatoes.

Artistic Expression
Thao Dan is a social organization which protects and takes care of street by providing opportunities for children to integrate into families into society and by also promoting children’s rights. With the same mission, we helped build a small garden on the roof where they hold community activities. We combined art and gardening together to promote two things we believe in: Creativity and Sustainability!



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